Sunday, March 18, 2007

I'm Tired

I've done nothing but work today. The sad thing is I'm not done. I woke up this morning, typed up invoices, had something to eat, threw some laundry in, matched up receipts and started filling orders. Orders took most of the day, but I'm done getting them packaged up and ready to go. Now I just need to type up the shipping labels and put them on and I'll be all set to mail them out tomorrow. I still have laundry in the dryer that needs to be put away and a kitchen to clean up from dinner, but it's no big deal. Right now I'm just concentrating on the shipping labels. As far as WW goes, I did great today. I managed to get all of my water in, stayed within my points, and even took my multivitamin. :) Sorry, I don't have a new recipe for you today. We had leftovers for dinner (they were still good). Only three more days until I do my first official weigh in to see how I did my first week back. I'm hoping for something good. :)


Anonymous said...

I was looking at links with WW mentioned and saw your site. It's great and I'm so proud of you starting over with WW. I am too (I restarted on Friday) and it's encouraging for me to see others doing it too! Thanks, D

Anonymous said...

Hello, Aimee. I'm a long-time reader of your website, and I've always been impressed with the unselfish way in which you share your information with others.

I understand how it feels to start, and then start over and over again.

I applaud your enthusiasm, but if I could make one simple suggestion....

I understand how excited you are about cooking, but then you get burned out eventually because of the time and energy it takes (planning, shopping, prepping, etc.)

Why not choose 1 or 2 new recipes PER WEEK, and then rely on simpler, point-friendly fare the rest of the week? That way you could slowly add to your repertoire, but not get so burned out.

Just a suggestion. Much luck on your journey!

ToBeMe said...

keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I think you are awsome , You give me such inpiration . Thanks for your wonderful website. I'm with you all the way . Cindy in california