Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I was browsing the web this afternoon and came across a video and website for a documentary film that's being made called Inspired: The Movie. Here's the video...

I personally am very interested in seeing this film. I felt like I could relate with a lot of these people since I know what it feels like to not only be obese, but I've also had a taste of what it's like to lose a lot of weight as well. I really liked the first woman who spoke in the video where she said "so if you can make it through one day, why not make it through the 2nd day and the 3rd day? Each day that you're successful you empower yourself to keep going on." I also went to the website to read more about it. I felt inspired just with the info I've seen and read about today. I haven't even seen the film yet. LOL! Check it out if you have time. I'd love to hear any input you have on the film.

I'll leave you with one last video I came across during my search this afternoon. I thought it was good too. :)


Anonymous said...

Maybe I wasn't looking in exactly the right place; but, I'd love to see that film as well, only I couldn't find out when it's coming out, or if it's already out, do you rent it or watch it on tv? Can you help me out Aimee? Thanks. Keep going strong, you are doing great! Angie Wade

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing those videos Aimee!! the definitely touched me! i would love to see that film.

Aimee said...

I don't think it's out yet. I think I read on another blog somewhere that it's due out in 2008 sometime. If I find something more solid I'll come back and let you know.

Anonymous said...

Hey Aimee! Thanks for your nice comments about our project - we are working hard to finish the film in the coming months and then expect to see it at film festivals first...cross your fingers for us, and keep checking our site for updates. Keep on inspiring others with your own experience! Have a great week... -Steve