Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Good and The Bad

The Good...
Getting to a meeting this morning wasn't easy, but I was determined. I showed up at the meeting I had planned on weighing at, but when I got there, I was the only car in the parking lot. I was like "what's going on?" I use to attend this meeting at one time, and it was still listed on the Weight Watchers website as a meeting place. I walked up to the door and it said they (they, meaning the church) had temporarily relocated to a school a couple miles down the street (there was no mention of the WW meeting). So... I hop back into my car, find the school, and there's no meeting. I was like dang it! I was already hungry at this point, but I wasn't going to go home and eat and just forget it. I went home, got on the WW website and looked up meetings. The closest one was 35 miles away at 10:45 (there were other meetings closer, but I wasn't going to wait until 6 PM). I printed up the driving directions and headed out the door. It was a bit of a drive, but I'm glad I went. I was down 1.4 pounds so I'm pretty happy. Especially after eating on vacation. Now that I've been back on track for a few days, I'm going to stay on track. I feel so much better when I know I'm eating better and doing a good job.

The Bad...
I won't even mention all of the crap Rick brought home from work with him this morning. He works in a grocery warehouse and they were selling cases of stuff really cheap. Here I am, getting ready to head out the door to get weighed in, and he's lugging all of these boxes into the house. He brought home half a case of lucky charms cereal (about 6 boxes), a case of nutter butters (3 boxes in a case), a case of combos (I don't even want to know how many are in there), a case of olive oil (like I need an entire case!), and I think there was a case of something else (I probably blocked it out of my memory on purpose). I was pretty upset about it. He asked me last night if I wanted anything (he had a 2 page list of stuff for me to look at) and I said no. Just goes to show he either doesn't listen, or he doesn't care. I suppose I can use the olive oil to shove everything up his butt!!! LOL!!! He was going to stay home this morning and not weigh in (he actually said "I'm just going to stay here and have some Lucky Charms."). I told him to get his butt in the car. :) He mumbled and grumbled about it half the way there, but I just tuned him out (must be how he does it when I'm talking about not bringing junk food home). LOL! I see why he didn't want to weigh in. He was up like 4 pounds. On the way home I told him "well at least you got your weight recorded. Now you can start fresh and be down next week when you weigh in." I think it fell on deaf ears again, but we'll see. I've let him derail me in the past, but it's not happening this time. He's not leaving me here tonight with Combos, Lucky Charms and Nutter Butters while he's at work. I know myself too well. I'll eat it. He's going to have to put it somewhere out of the house (I'm a very good food detective. I can find anything no matter how well it's hidden, and I'm the type of person who would look until I found it). If he doesn't get rid of it, I'll feel no shame in walking it all to the dumpster after he leaves. I'll just leave it outside the dumpster in case anyone sees it and decides they want it (I live in an apartment, so I'm sure someone can use it for their kids). Hey Ben, do your kids eat Lucky Charms???? :)


Anonymous said...

How did you end up handling the 'extra bad stuff' in the house?
Emily (GatewayDreamer...Lessons, Thoughts, and Dreams)

Mindy said...

Good for you Aimee! Not only did you overcome an easy temptation to skip weigh-in you lost after a vacation!! Hats off to you girl!

Askazombiehousewife said...

maybe he can get a locker and some powdered milk
he can have them for lunches

Anonymous said...

first of all, let me just say how proud of you I am for driving that distance for your wi!! you did GREAT and i'm sure it was worth every mile to get there!!
secondly, good for putting your foot down about the food that Rick brought home.
maybe donate it to a church or a school?????
or how about neighbors that have kids???

Aimee said...

Thanks! He packed all of it up except 2 boxes of the cereal (as long as it isn't open, I won't eat it. Once he opens it, he'll have to either eat it, or throw it out. Knowing him, he'll eat most of the box in one sitting anyway). My mom wants the nutter butters for my grandpa (he loves them and their in small packages). I'm giving Ben some cereal and some oil when I see him this weekend.

Rick says he's going to sell the combos at work (most people didn't want to buy a whole case). The only thing we'll have left really is oil, and you won't see me chugging that down even in extreme situations. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I'll take anything you don't want. There's no shame in my game?

P.S Did he happen to bring home any beer?

anonymous e

Every other obese guy out there probably said...

Great job Aimee on your determination to get to a weigh in and post an awesome loss. I'm proud of you. And thanks for the cereal ;). Ben

Aimee said...

Nope sorry Eric, he didn't bring home any beer. LOL! Even if he had, it wouldn't bother me since I don't like beer.

Jojo said...

Take that extra food to that church...they will find a home for it! Sounds like you could help some really needy people! Congrats on the loss! Ya done good!...jojo