Ok, I'm Back In Action
I should be done with the delays on my blog (even though I still have a lot of work to do) but I've finally finished the new message board for my website and so far it's running rather well. If you'd like to check it out, you can do so here (only registered users can post, but registration is free if you want to join in)... Aimee's New Message Board
My current adventure is to build a new shopping cart for my cookbooks. Then somewhere between now and next week I have to get my taxes together (dang if I didn't just pay stupid taxes last month, but that was federal and state. Now city and sales tax are due). Blah I hate taxes!
Anyway, other than working on the site, I haven't really been up to much. I did go and see the new Transformers movie on the 4th. It was good. I also saw Spiderman 3 yesterday. It wasn't bad. The movie I'm waiting for is Harry Potter. I'm going Wednesday right after my Weight Watchers class to see it. I'm going to see it on IMAX. I also can't wait for the final book, which comes out next week. :) I'll read it while I'm cat and house sitting the following week.Speaking of cats, my parents have adopted a new kitten. They already have 5 cats and swore they weren't taking any more in (they're suckers for strays). Saturday morning, my mom was getting ready to leave for work and found this little baby kitten behind the tire of her car, meowing. It couldn't even stand up. I guess while she was looking at it, it had like a little convulsion and went limp. She tried to feed it, but she had to go to work, so she handed it over to my dad and went on to work. They really didn't think it would make it through the day. My dad found a little box to put it into and he kept trying to get it do drink, but it wouldn't. He called me and asked what he should try feeding it, so I told him to maybe try some kitten milk from the pet store. He went and got some of that, and the kitten drank it. It started perking up as the day went on. I went over that evening to take Riley's puppy cage over so that my parents could bring the kitten into the garage for the night. While I was there, my mom thought we should weigh it, so I went and got the food scale and a cereal bowl (that's how small it was). The little kitty only weighs 1 pound plus 1/2 ounce. We kept trying to figure out if it was a boy or a girl. I thought for sure it was a boy, but they took it to the vet this morning, and turns out it's a girl (hey, what do I know?). She got a clean bill of health, so they'll be keeping her and they've decided to call her Maggie. :)
I am getting harry potter by mail
but mail doesn't always come in time so I am hopping it comes by next monday :-)
AWE that is the cutest kitten! That is great that your parents got her back to health and kept her! :) Welcome back! I missed reading you daily :)
excellent losses Aimee. I love the cook books!! Thanks SO much for sending them to me. My daughter swiped the bracelet!
OMG Maggies is too cute!! And girl I have been reading your blog and you are ROCKING IT on losing weight. I wanna know ALL your secrets!!! Man if I could lose 3-4 pounds a week I'd be so happy I wouldn't be able to STAND MYSELF!!! LOL
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