Sunday, October 28, 2007

I'm Still Around

Can you believe October is almost over already? The time just seems to fly by these days. I'm sure many of you feel the same.

I know I've been quiet, but I'm trying to getting everything I need to get done on my two days off from my new job. Yesterday I ran errands and got things done outside the house, and so far today I've been to Sam's Club (to stock up on shipping supplies), Walmart (to get groceries for the week), then I came home, updated the progress chart for the members on my support board, washed the bedding, did 3 loads of regular laundry, cooked 3 dishes (which will hopefully last the entire week), washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen, and now I'm getting ready to type up the invoices and fill this weeks cookbook orders. There are soooo many other things I need to get done, but I don't see it happening today. Maybe next weekend. I just seem to get further and further behind on everything. My to-do list just keeps on growing. I'm trying not to stress too much though. It will probably get worse before it gets better, so I'm just taking things one day at a time. :)

Eating wise, I have my good days and my not so good days, but I'm still hanging in there. I have to eat dinner at work just 2 hours after I get there. I'm not use to eating at 5 PM and don't eat a lot since I'm not hungry; so by the time I get back home at midnight, I'm usually hungry. I really need to stop eating so late though. I do nothing but walk for 8 hours at work (I'm going to try and take my pedometer one day this week so I can see just how far it is that I really walk). One person was trying to tell me that someone else wore a pedometer once and they figured up that they walked 14 miles per day, but I find that hard to believe. If I had to guess, I'd say it's probably more like 4-5 miles total. If I can get a handle on my late night eating, no doubt I'd lose more weight. Maybe I'll make up some sugar free Jello and see if that gets me through. If not, I'll have to think of something else.

I was going to write about a really good juice I've been drinking lately, but I think I'll save that for next time (more than likely next weekend unless I find the time to write it up sometime this week). I've still got a lot to get done tonight and I want to be sure that I compile all of the facts before I start telling you about it. It's good stuff, so be sure to stop back here and read about it soon. :) TTYL!


Krissie said...

I miss you!

Askazombiehousewife said...

Wow 3 or 4 miles is still a lot of walking :-)
Maybe take a small snack to eat at 5pm and build from there
maybe a few vegtables, and a low fat yogurt.

Honi said...

good to see u back.. and yes 3 to 4 miles is still a lot of walking... I would do as Iportion suggested veggies and a low fat yogurt . Yoplait has a new 100 calorie yogurt out now its called thick and creamy and I LOVE IT.. i love the vanilla.. its like a huge treat to me and a great way to get in dairy.. good luck..